by ChoicesMedical | Jul 26, 2019 | Education
If you are pregnant, you have probably already realized that there is a lot to learn about caring for a new baby. At Choices Medical, we offer free classes to help raise healthy, confident parents so that YOU can raise healthy, confident kids. Why would a parenting...
by ChoicesMedical | Jul 11, 2019 | Education
You’ve probably heard the motto “sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll.” While the phrase might be meant to express freedom and a good time, the actual use of sex + drugs can pose some serious danger. Whether the substance itself is legal (such as nicotine or alcohol) or...
by ChoicesMedical | Jun 28, 2019 | Education
When two people love, respect, and trust one another, relationships can be a wonderful, fulfilling, beneficial thing. However, when any of these key components are missing, relationships can teeter into unhealthy grounds. Because romantic relationships are so personal...
by ChoicesMedical | Jun 12, 2019 | Education
While most of our blogs are geared towards both genders, or expecting mothers, this one is specifically for men whose partners are pregnant. There is no feeling like the one you get when you hear your partner say “I’m pregnant.” Undeniably, this changes things!...
by ChoicesMedical | May 3, 2019 | Education
Perhaps you’ve heard the rumor that Christopher Columbus brought syphilis to America, or the true fact the Al Capone contracted it early on in his gangster career and went crazy from it during his years in Alcatraz. You may believe there is little cause for concern...
by ChoicesMedical | Apr 9, 2019 | Education
Whether your pregnancy was planned or a total surprise to you, the fact of the matter is—there’s a baby bump ahead! And along with it, a lot of changes to your life. You may need time to adjust to the new reality of the baby growing inside of you. That’s normal! Take...