Considering Abortion: Informed Choices & Support

Understanding Abortion: Health Information, Counseling, & Resources

If I’m considering an abortion, what do I need to know?

Suspicion of an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy can flood your mind with surprise, panic, frustration, and a whole lot of questions. The first decision that can and should always be made is knowledge. Know your options, know your risks, know your needs, know your resources. Luckily, our staff at Choices Medical can help you make the choice to know.

While we do not perform or refer for abortions, there are several resources we can offer—for free— as you make a choice about your pregnancy.

  • Medical grade pregnancy testing and ultrasounds. Even if you’ve already taken an at-home pregnancy test, our medical grade hCG urine pregnancy test can confirm your pregnancy so that you know for sure. As soon as your pregnancy is confirmed, we offer a limited OB ultrasound which can determine if your pregnancy is viable and in the right place. This provides you with vital information on your pregnancy’s development, which is necessary to have when reviewing the abortion options available to you.
  • STI testing and treatment. You might be thinking “I’m here about a pregnancy…why would I need to think about STIs?” Well, according to the Department of Health and Human Services, having gonorrhea, chlamydia, or bacterial vaginosis can increase a woman’s chance of having an infection after an abortion procedure. This is important because more than one million pregnant women are annually diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection. At our clinics, gonorrhea and chlamydia testing can be performed on the same urine sample that you provide for your pregnancy test. Bacterial vaginosis testing is also available. If you test positive for one of these infections, treatment is available at no cost to you. Testing and treatment appointments are also available for your sexual partner.
  • Options and abortion information. There are several things that have to be taken into account when considering abortion—a pregnancy’s viability, length of development, cost of procedure, type of procedure, previous health conditions, and other medical stipulations. When you come into our clinic for a pregnancy test, we can give you information and education about abortion, as well as what your other options are.

If your heart is racing or your mind is anxious with the possibility of a pregnancy, slow down, take a deep breath, and know that you are not alone. Your health and safety are important to us, and choosing to know your options is a great first step to take. Make an appointment today!

Sources for this article are available upon request.

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